Carey Mulligan (Promising Young Woman, pictured above), has reportedly landed a role in Adam Sandler’s upcoming adaptation of Jaroslav Kalfař’s Spaceman of Bohemia, which is set to debut on Netflix. Deadline notes that the film is now titled Spaceman, and it’ll be helmed by Chernobyl director Johan Reneck.
Word broke last year that Sandler would appear in the project as part of his larger deal with the streaming service, about an astronaut named Jakub Procházka from the Czech countryside who’s offered a chance to travel to Venus on a risky mission to collect samples of some interstellar dust.
During the mission, he encounters and befriends a giant alien spider (who may or may not be real), all while his life is falling apart at home. According to Deadline, Mulligan will play Procházka’s wife Lenka in the project.
Kalfař’s book came out in 2017 to some acclaim, racking up good reviews in NPR and The New York Times for its innovative take on the genre and its focus on the human element. Our own reviewer, Leah Schnelbach noted that the book is funny, weird, and touching as it explores Jakub’s past and his attempts to live up to his family’s name.
In 2018, the book earned a nomination for the Arthur C. Clarke Award. There’s no word on when the film will debut on Netflix.